

Your research Institute insists on upstream and downstream extension, vertical and horizontal expansion, optimize the industrial layout and resource allocation, promote the "one headquarters, multiple parks, two platforms, 1+N center" industrial area layout, forming a cross-regional investment and operation development pattern with the headquarters as the core, radiating inside and outside the province and extending to the overseas layout. It has the capacity to manufacture 2,000 tons of new precious metal materials annually, process 5,000 tons of secondary precious metal resources annually, and recover 10 tons of platinum group metals, 10 tons of gold, and 2,000 tons of silver annually.

榆林市| 文昌市| 朔州市| 上蔡县| 马边| 禹城市| 敦化市| 卓资县| 文成县| 洞口县| 镇安县| 兰西县| 辽源市| 保靖县| 沙坪坝区| 益阳市| 东乡县| 定远县| 滦南县| 天长市| 丰原市| 桂平市| 滨海县| 花莲县| 金堂县| 柳河县| 桂东县| 临城县| 东辽县| 莱西市| 虞城县| 独山县| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 博湖县| 灵寿县| 南开区| 博客| 潮州市| 贵溪市| 大石桥市| 临猗县|